Twinning to a community created for school in europe to communicate collaborate and develop projects share short europe s most exciting learning community to feel and be a part of this community european countries provides a platform for staff working in one of the partici a school.
Twınıng trought the use of information and communication Technologies to the necessary support tools and services by providing short and long term partnerships beetween school making it easy on any topic protes school collaboration in europe
E twining portal to twenty five languages are available these days and nearly 170 000 individual members and two or more projekts are being implemented in europe
Common to find teachers portal Project creation allotment of ideas Exchange of best practice and the various customized e twining platform using the tools provides online tools to begin working together immediately.
In the main action learning program launched in 2005 to the european commission since 2007 twining tightly integrated lifelong learning programsupport service centre fort he training of teachers and students in europe by improving school international cooperation in the ministry of education of 33 european managet by european schoolnet twining also at the national level to support service is supported by 35 national
Twınıng trought the use of information and communication Technologies to the necessary support tools and services by providing short and long term partnerships beetween school making it easy on any topic protes school collaboration in europe
E twining portal to twenty five languages are available these days and nearly 170 000 individual members and two or more projekts are being implemented in europe
Common to find teachers portal Project creation allotment of ideas Exchange of best practice and the various customized e twining platform using the tools provides online tools to begin working together immediately.
In the main action learning program launched in 2005 to the european commission since 2007 twining tightly integrated lifelong learning programsupport service centre fort he training of teachers and students in europe by improving school international cooperation in the ministry of education of 33 european managet by european schoolnet twining also at the national level to support service is supported by 35 national
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